Orchids of the Eifel: Orchis

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Orchis Mascula

Latin: Orchis mascula
English: Early purple orchid
German: Männliches Knabenkraut
Bloom: May to mid-June

These two plants show colour variations of the same orchid.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

These orchids grow on unfertilized meadows, dry hillsides, bush and open woods, mostly in calciferous soil.

The flower colours range from pale pink to purple, very occasionally white. The leaves are spotted as shown here or unspotted as in above photo.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

A closeup of a purple flower head.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

A plant with pink flowers and unspotted leaves.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006


Orchis Militaris

Orchis militaris - 2 plants

Latin: Orchis militaris
English: Military orchid
German: Helm-Knabenkraut
Bloom: Mid-May to mid-June

Photographed near Ripsdorf,
May 31, 2008

Orchis militaris flower head

These orchids grow in dry calciferous soil on open hillsides or light woods.

The plants range between one quarter and a half a meter tall.

Photographed near Ripsdorf,
May 31, 2008

Orchis militaris - 2 flowers close-up

A closeup of 2 flowers which look like little men wearing helmets, hence the name.

Photographed near Ripsdorf,
May 31, 2008


Orchis Morio

Hillside with Anacamptis morio and primroses

Latin: Orchis morio (now Anacamptis morio)
English: Green winged orchid
German: Kleines Knabenkraut
Bloom: End of April to beginning of July

This is the first orchid to bloom in spring in the Eifel..

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009

Anacamptis morio - plants

These orchids grow on dry to damp, unfertilized meadows and hillsides on calcium.

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009

Anacamptis morio was originally grouped in the orchis family but was transferred to anacamptis about 12 years ago, based on new information on its genetic make-up..

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009

The English name green winged orchid comes from the green striped upper petals forming the helmet..

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009

The colour of the flowers ranges from deep purple to mauve or pale pink to white with purple spots or pure white.

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009

The pure white variant is quite rare. We were lucky and found 2 plants with pure white blossoms.

Photographed near Stadtkyll,
April 29, 2009


Orchis Purpurea

Latin: Orchis purpurea
English: Lady orchid
German: Purpur-Knabenkraut
Bloom: May to mid-June


Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 15, 2005

These orchids grow on sunny, dry hillsides, bush and open woods, only in calciferous soil.

Three orchis purpurea plants and an orchis mascula.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

Three orchis purpurea plants showing the variations in the flower colours and forms.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

A closeup of a flower head.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 1, 2002

This photo of a single flower shows where the orchid got its name. The Latin and German names come from the purple colour of the stem and 3 upper petals that form the "lady's bonnet". The flower looks like a little lady with 2 arms, a wide skirt often divided in the middle, and wearing a bonnet, hence the English name Lady Orchid.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

These flowers have almost no divide in the lower petal.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

This photo shows the light colour variation: the stem is green and the 3 upper petals are pinkish rather than purple.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

A closeup of the light colour variation.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006

Another colour variation.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 1, 2002

Little ladies with a Blue butterfly.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 14, 2006


Orchis Ustulata

Latin: Orchis ustulata, syn. Neotinea ustulata
English: Burnt orchid
German: Angebranntes Knabenkraut
Bloom: Mid-May to mid-June

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 28, 2006

OrchisU stulata - 2 flower heads

These orchids grow on dry hillsides, mostly in calciferous soil.

The plants are very small; flower heads are about the size of a little finger.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 28, 2006

Orchis Ustulata - closeup

A closeup of a flower head.

Photographed near Bad Munstereifel,
May 28, 2006



All photographs are my property and may not be copied or used without my written permission.



June 7, 2009
©copyright Vicki Sherwood
Email address
This page is http://orchids-eifel.sherwoodonline.de/orchis.html