Double Exposures2004

These photographs were taken at the end of May, 2002. Bill was experimenting with double exposures
using the Pentax SLR camera.


Eschweiler churdh and rape field

A field of rape in flower in front of Eschweiler church (near Bad Munstereifel). To the right of the church is the village May pole.

The same view as above but zoomed in and portrait format. I left these 2 photos from the spring2004.html page to give you the background for the following photos.

Eschweiler church and rape field
rape fields
2 fields planted with rape contrasting with a fallow field.

Scotch red pines silhouetted against a field of rape.

Scotch pines against a field of rape
Eschweiler chuch double exposed with a field of rape

Double exposure - a field of rape and Eschweiler church near Bad Munstereifel.

A double exposure of our house and the lilac.
Lilac and house - double exposure
Red hawthorn and tamarisk doouble exposure
The pale pink feathery branches are tamarisk. The deeper pink flowers are red hawthorn. The bushes are beside each other in our front garden but Bill has double exposed them here.
Blossoms on the cherry tree behind our house.
cherry blossoms
bark of the cherry tree
Cherry tree bark.
A double exposure of the bark and the cherry blossoms. This is my favourite of the double exposures.
cherry blossoms superimposed on cherry tree bark
Double exposure of cherry blossoms and cherry tree
A double exposure of cherry blossoms and the entire cherry tree.

All photographs are my property and may not be copied or used without my written permission.

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November 19, 2013
©copyright 2001, 2004 Vicki Sherwood

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