Spring 2004

These photographs were taken at the end of April and beginning of May, 2002. Some of the photos are garden flowers and planted fields.


Eschweiler churdh and rape field

A field of rape in flower in front of Eschweiler church (near Bad Munstereifel). To the right of the church is the village May pole.

The same view as above but zoomed in and portrait format.

Eschweiler church and rape field
cherry blossoms
These blossoms are on the cherry tree behind our house.

More cherry blossoms.

Cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms.

This lilac is also in our back garden.
Purple lilac
Purple lilac
The same lilac head but from the other side.
This Japanese cherry is growing beside Blankenheim castle.
Japanese cherry
Orchis purpurea
Orchis purpurea (classic example) - Stockart near Bad Munstereifel
Sunday May 2, 2004.
Orchis purpurea (quite different colouring from above) - Stockart near Bad Munstereifel
Sunday May 2, 2004
Orchis purpurea
Orchis purpurea?

Orchis purpurea - Stockart near Bad Munstereifel
Sunday May 2, 2004.

To see more wild orchids, go to
Eifel Orchids

All photographs are my property and may not be copied or used without my written permission.

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November 19, 2013
©copyright 2001, 2004 Vicki Sherwood

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